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Service Management for Service Providers Brochure

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Service Management for Service Providers Brochure

Needing to provide an excellent service, maintaining a tight grip on costs, while remaining continually competitive within their chosen market is vital, and quality of customer support is seen as a key competitive differentiator. When you’re trying to keep track of your contractual commitments across numerous customers, covering a myriad of supplied products and services, all with their own complex hierarchy of service level targets to meet and report on, it’s easy to become lost in identifying who and what to support. Without this clarity your quality of service can suffer and support costs can inevitably increase.

Quality of service is critical for Service Providers to safeguard their customers long term business objectives, so maintaining excellent Service Management disciplines over multiple communication channels, including telephone and email communication, internet Self-Service and social media, is paramount.

Sunrise Service Management helps make this a reality. Sunrise Service Management is a powerful and comprehensive Service Management solution designed for Service Providers to manage the processes, events and functions that impact on the effective performance of the entire company.

This downloadable product brochure provides you with all the information you need about the features and functions that are included in Sunrise SMSP, in one handy document.

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